
Réseau d'entreprise

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Soutenir une infrastructure de communication optique haute performance rentable pour la transformation numérique des entreprises Soutenir une infrastructure de communication optique haute performance rentable pour la transformation numérique des entreprises

Nous soutenons des solutions de transformation numérique rentables pour les entreprises, en phase avec le nombre croissant d'appareils IoT et d'entreprises de réseaux avancés.
Grâce à une infrastructure de communication optique personnalisée, conçue et construite à l'aide d'une technologie experte, nous créons une base qui s'adapte aux réseaux de la prochaine génération.

Taihan Fiber Optics améliore la stabilité et augmente la capacité et la bande passante
en construisant une dorsale qui connecte divers réseaux, y compris 5G, WiFi et LAN, couvrant les sièges sociaux des entreprises, les succursales, les services des ventes et les sites de fabrication.

Taihan Fiber Optics améliore la stabilité et augmente la capacité et la bande passante
en construisant une dorsale qui connecte divers réseaux, y compris 5G, WiFi et LAN, couvrant les sièges sociaux des entreprises, les succursales, les services des ventes et les sites de fabrication.


Informations requises *
  • mode de visite *
  • Select Type *
Consent on Use and Collection of Personal Information
Your consent is required for the following information in order to process your requests including work-related inquiries and filing of proposals and complaints (hereinafter “client’s comments”).

Purpose of Personal Information Collection and Use
Your personal information that you have provided to Taihan Fiberoptics will be used for statistical analysis related to personal identification, confirming your decision, notifying consultation results, customer satisfaction survey, and using services in order to file and handle the “client’s comments.”

Collection of Personal Information
1. Required information
A. Personally identifiable information: Name, email address, and company name
B. Other information derived from consultations facilitated to handle the “client’s comments.”
2. Optional information: Information entered in the data input screen or information provided by the client other than personally identifiable information.
Period of Personal Information Retention and Use
The personal (credit) information related to handling the “client’s comments” is retained and used for the above purposes from the date of providing consent on collection and use until the processing termination date or expiry of effective period of consent and the information is immediately destroyed after the purposes for collection and use of personal information have been attained. In case there is an obligation of preservation based on other legislation such as the E-commerce Consumer Protection Act, the information will be preserved for a certain period designated by law. Following the date of processing the client’s comments, the information will only be preserved and/or used to investigate financial problems, handle disputes, fulfill legal obligations and manage risks of Taihan Fiberoptics.

Right to refuse collection of personal information and disadvantages when exercising your rights
You have the right to refuse collection and use of personal information. If you refuse collection and use of required information, there may be restrictions when processing the “client’s comments” that you have submitted. If you refuse collection and use of optional information, it may have an impact when handling the “client’s comments.”

* With regard to collection and use of personal information, I hereby consent to providing my personal information as above to Taihan Fiberoptics based on Article 22 Paragraph 1 of “Act on Promoting Use of Information and Communication Network and Protection of Information” and “Article 15 Paragraph 1 of “Personal Information Protection Act.”